Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Woke up with same "twisted" pain in left side of abdomen, below rib cage. So Maribeth took me to Shelby ER. Drew blood, did chest X ray. NO pneumonia or anything worse that I was thinking of. Probably a strain!  Didn't put me on any other antibiotic because I had just finished Z pak on Wed. and I take Bactrim DS on M-W-F routinely. Gave me a script for cough syrup with codeine.

This evening I am still coughing. Probably not as much. Twisted pain/strain still there. Ugh!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kinda glad it's not hot out

Hello today is 2/12/14
No big medical changes since last dr. visit last month. Some of the swelling in my face has gone down. I still have jowls and my head looks like a square. I have gained 30lbs that I didn't need. This is why I am glad it's not hot out! I am still very tired and mad that I get SOB whenever I try to do something. My  left hip and leg started to HURT again. I think it's like cyatic nerve pain. It gets so bad it makes me sick to my stomach. I limp when I walk. Sometimes left leg will start to "go out on me" but I haven't fallen. Thank you MB for carrying laundry up and down stairs. Glad my house is small with only stairs to the basement. I cook at times. I was VERY HAPPY to have my favorite son and favorite brother in law come to my house the end of Jan. and update my bathroom. I have had a toilet, vanity, med. cabinet, lights above med. cabinet, and cupboard above toilet for years..................  Brad and Bill worked for 3 days to put new floor boards in, new floor, bead board around and install the above items I had. Pictures to follow after we paint. I only have one bathroom in my house so it made for 3 interesting days. We were only without a toilet for one night so I made my own "potty chair". MB spent that night at her dad's. I got to cook meals for two hungry men. They seemed to like it. Only thing, I was up and about tooo much. Left hip got worse. Had to start taking Flexeril again. I would take 5mg in morning and 5mg in late afternoon and then maybe 10mg at bedtime.  I don't like to take Flexeril because it makes me even more "foggy." But it helps the pain.
That weekend I started to feel like I was getting a sinus cold. Now this would be my first for the winter. Normally I would have one ALL winter long. But, with my resistance being low, I wasn't sure how my body would react to it now. Would I be able to fight it off? So it took another week and weekend, but now I have full fledge sinus cold. I called Dr. Anderson Monday. He ordered Z-pak for me and that it was ok to take the aerosol tx that I had from the spring. I was also having low grade fever, highest 100.5, and productive cough. When I cough really hard I feel like I could pass out, or I sneeze 10(?) times, really fast. 
Sinuses were clear. Today, (Wed.) I called the doctor again because cough is worse and not coughing up much. No fever. Should I get a chest x ray? Plus last night in bed when I coughed it felt like things (?) were twisting up in my stomach?? My umbilical hernia is really pushing out a lot. I wonder is my hernia is screwing up my stomach? Questions to ask the good doc.
My next infusion date is Friday. BUT if I'm not better, I need to reschedule. FYI, I haven't heard from the doctor. Maybe in the morning they will call me back.

Haven't been out of the house since last infusion. OMG!!!!!! Or at least I can't remember going out.....maybe just in my dreams. Which my dreams are something else! MB just went to the grocery store for us. Thank you MB!
I also found out I get SSI disability in May! Should also be getting some money before that by end of this month from SSI. I am so confused with all of these agencies. I don't think about calling them because most days, I don't really "wake up" till late afternoon. I'm up and dressed but my head is not working. Plus I still spend most of my morning on the pot. :x  You knew I couldn't go without bringing diarrhea up. LOL 
Ok, today (Thurs) I called Dr Andersons office. Cancelled my appts to see him and for my infusion. Not having any fever but cough is nasty. When I cough, I  have a twisted sister feeling in my left and sometimes right upper "alien baby" abdomen. I have been doing my aerosols that will hopefully break up phlegm in upper chest. NO FUN! Dr. Anderson told his nurse to tell me to see my family doctor. I feel kind of funny going to them. I will if I have too but will probably go to ER tomorrow or Sat. if I'm not doing better.
I AM SO TIRED OF BEING TIRED!!!!!! If I wasn't already crazy, I would be by now.  I haven't had really a good cry in a while, I think it's time. Poor Maribeth just called me from work. She could tell I was choked up and said "are you crying?" hahaha Can't hide anything!