Monday, October 28, 2013

I have been dealing with some type of autoimmune disease for the last 3 years. First dx set me on the way that my kidneys were failing. So every 3 months for the last 3 years I have seen a Mansfield kidney doctor and getting blood work to see if I was ready for dialysis. Always staying in Level 4 where Level 5 is dialysis. Not a way to live a life......Plus during this time I was ALWAYS having sinus problems that included my eyes, ears and dry mouth! Always on antibiotics!!!!! FINALLY my "lovely" niece Tara, who is a dialysis nurse in Akron, said.......SOMETHING has to be done. She spoke with a kidney doctor that she loves in Akron. I saw him this summer. Fell in love too. This lead to my second kidney biopsy and a dx from previous post. FINALLY a dx with a treatment. YEAH!!!!
I will be getting an IV infusion once a month for the next 6 months in Akron of Cytoxan. (It is a cancer drug that works for this dx) Because this medication can decrease my white blood count, I have to be off work. No nursing for me for at least 6 months. First infusion was Oct.15. All went well. No nausea. I still have my hair. I may lose or just may just thin. I'm hoping I lose it! Crazy, I know.
So I am home 24-7 with Maribeth's help. Along with Penny (the dog) It is going to be a long winter!!! I hope I don't turn into Jack Nickolson in "The Shining!"
PLUS I told the doctor NOTHING is going to keep me away from my grand children. I will mask up and did yesterday for Kendall and Landon's baptism!
I need to THANK ALL MY FAMILY who have been sooooo supportive during this period of my life. I LOVE you ALL!!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

We love you!!!