Monday, June 2, 2014

Catch Up- More Cytoxan Infusions

It's been a long time. Had some ups. Had some downs. Shaved my head. Gained 40 lbs. on Prednisone. Off Prednisone now and have lost 12-15lbs. Don't eat much BUT can't exercise. Symptoms change everyday. Never know. I have become desensitized    Symptoms continues but ones that stick around and that can make life difficult is diarrhea and hip pain. Plus with coughing so much, my unbilical hernia has gotten very large. I will call this alien baby, St. Elmo. He is the saint of stomach problems. Can't do anything about hernia till off Cytoxan infusion because of my compromised immune system. So St. Elmo and flowing dresses will be my friends for a while.

If I do anything, my blood pressure goes way down and my pulse goes way up, which makes me dizzy. It pisses me off big time!!!!

Garden is in. Flowers planted, all because Maribeth has helped soooo much. XXXOOO  Strawberries are going crazy but we still need to cover them. Garlic I planted in the fall is going great. Still need to get mulch.

MB had "walking pneumonia" last week.  I have and probably will always have a cough. Some times worse than other times. So we do our aerosol treatments and take our Mucinex. I was at Callie and Dave's last week watching Xavier. When I came home Landon spent the night with me. LOVE those boys. Below is the picture of myself and Landon before getting heads shaved for St. Baldricks's Day.

I go to get my 8th infusion tomorrow. Six infusions didn't do it. So......will need a total of 12 infusions of Cytoxan. I knew I wasn't in "remission" when he told me this. What else do I have to do. LOL