Friday, November 1, 2013


Yesterday was a busy day. Went to get blood drawn for next doctor appt and infusion in th e morning. Had Maribeth's car because mine isn't insured right now.$$$ Saving money. Then I went to JoAnn's (0f course), Target and Meijer. Also finally went to Job and Family Services to apply for "assistance". Interesting place. Everything is "hurry up and wait."

Today we didn't have internet till 2:30pm because of wind storms last night. Feeling kind of funky today. Looked at myself in the mirror and I am growing jowls!!! I could tell my face was getting bigger along with my stomach. Having some stabbing jabs in back and tightness in upper back. Normal for me, just more today. Still have my hair and headache though. My BP goes up at times and I'm not sleeping very well. Once I get to sleep, I sleep. Just not for 10-14 hours at a time any more!!!! Watching toooo much TV.

Just got a GREAT call from one of the boys at the home where I worked. Made me SMILE!!!! :)))) Thanks for the call Zack (via Roxanna)


Anonymous said...

Do you want to have slumber party? Do our nails? You could wear English leather to make me sick .....hang in there..... Xoxo

Unknown said...

Hugs to you Muala!

Jeeen said...

Invite me! I love(d) English leather. Is it still around? Haha.

Unknown said...

Not sure if English Leather is still around, but I do remember it made someone puke all over our bed....